Below is the ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Honorary Degree Search, a comprehensive database of all of the honorary degrees awarded within the system.
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Recipient Name |
Institution |
Year |
Month |
Degree Awarded |
, | | | | |
Ackerman, James S. | UMBC | 1976 | May | Humane Letters |
Adams Jr. , Theordore A. | BSU | 1990 | | Laws |
Adams-Ender, Clara L. (Brig.Gen.) | BSU | 1991 | | Science |
Adenauer, Konrad | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1951 | | Laws |
Adkins Jr., Dale E. | SU | 1981 | | Laws |
Agnew, Spiro T. | UMCP | 1967 | June | Laws |
Ahlfors, Lars V. | UMCP | 1986 | December | Science |
Aiken, Linda H. | UMB | 2011 | May | Sciences |
Alberts, Alfred W. | UMCP | 1994 | December | Science |
Alexander, Clifford L. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1980 | May | Laws |
Allen, Herschel Heathcote | UMCP | 1940 | | Engineering |
Allen, John J | UMES | 2017 | May | Public Service |
Allison, John | FSU | 1971 | May | Humane Letters |
Allotey, Francis K. A. | UMES | 2010 | May | Sciences |
Alsop, Marin | TU | 2016 | May | Humane Letters |
Amprey, Walter G. | UB | 1994 | May | Humane Letters |
Anderson, George McCullough | UMCP | 1956 | | Science |
Anderson, Mary Louise | UMB | 2004 | May | Public Service |
Anderson, Norman B. (Ph.D.) | UMGC | 2007 | May | Public Service |
Andrews, Julie | UMCP | 1970 | June | Fine Arts |
Angelos, Peter | UB | 1996 | May | Law |
Annan, Kofi | UMCP | 2002 | Nov | Public Service |
Anslinger, Harry Jacob | UMCP | 1955 | | Laws |
Aponte, Harry J. | UMB | 2006 | May | Public Service |
Archer, Dennis | UB | 2002 | May | Law |
Armacost, Michael H. | UMGC (Asian Division) | 1990 | April | Laws |
Armstrong, Alexander | UMCP | 1923 | | Laws |
Armstrong, Neil Alden | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1971 | May | Science |
Arnig, Gregory R. | UMES | 1988 | May | Laws |
Arnold II, Richard R. | FSU | 2019 | May | Science |
Ashby, Daniel M | UMES | 2016 | May | Science |
Ashford, Nickolas | BSU | 2013 | May | Humane Letters |
Asimov, Isaac | UMCP | 1977 | | Science |
Atkinson, Pansye | FSU | 2024 | December | Humane Letters |
Augustine, Norman R. | UMCP | 1992 | December | Engineering |
Austin, Christopher P | UMBC | 2021 | May | Science |
Avara, Charles R. | UMBC | 1993 | | Public Service |
Babcock, William Wayne | UMCP | 1948 | | Science |
Badolato, Edward V. | TU | 2008 | May | Humane Letters |
Bailey, Stephen Kemp | UMCP | 1974 | December | Laws |
Baines, Harold | UMES | 2006 | December | Public Service |
Baker, Howard Ambassador | UMGC (Asian Division) | 2002 | May | Public Service |
Baker Jr., Frank | UB | 1986 | | Laws |
Baker, Melvin H. | UMCP | 1953 | | Science |
Baker, Nancy Kassebaum | UMGC (Asian Division) | 2002 | May | Public Service |
Baker, William C. | UB | 1992 | | Laws |
Ball, Robert M. | UMBC | 1985 | June | Public Administration |
Bamberger, Clinton E. | UMB | 2011 | May | Laws |
Ban, Ki-Moon | UMCP | 2016 | October | Public Service |
Banks, Gloria Mayfield | UMES | 2011 | May | Public Service |
Baquet, Claudia | UMES | 2016 | May | Science |
Barbera, Mary Ellen | TU | 2014 | May | Humane Letters |
Barringer, Bobby A. | UB | 1978 | | Humane Letters |
Barth, John Simmons | UMCP | 1969 | | Letters |
Barth, John Simmons | TU | 1981 | June | Humane Letters |
Barth, John Simmons | SU | 1975 | May | Letters |
Battaglia, Hon.Lynne A. | UB | 2001 | May | Laws |
Baxter, Thomas W | UMES | 2019 | May | Public Service |
Beall Jr., Glenn J. | FSU | 1973 | May | Laws |
Becker, Douglas L. | TU | 1998 | May | Humane Letters |
Bednash, Geraldine Diane | UMB | 2014 | May | Public Service |
Bell, Robert | UB | 1997 | May | Laws |
Bell, Robert M. | UMB | 2013 | May | Laws |
Bell, Robert M. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2007 | May | Public Service |
Bell III, Burwell B. (General) | UMGC | 2004 | May | Public Service |
Bellavance, Thomas E. | SU | 1995 | December | Humane Letters |
Benjamin, Harold R.W. | UMCP | 1967 | June | Humane Letters |
Bennett, George Eli | UMCP | 1941 | | Science |
Benson, Lucy Wilson | UMCP | 1972 | June | Laws |
Bentley, William C. Colonel | UMGC | 2013 | May | Public Service |
Bentley, Helen Delich | UB | 1998 | May | Laws |
Bentley, Helen Delich | UMCP | 1970 | January | Laws |
Berendzen, Richard | UB | 1990 | | Laws |
Bergman, Robert P. | UB | 1993 | | Humane Letters |
Berman, Ronald | UMCP | 1975 | May | Humane Letters |
Bernstein, Carl | UMCP | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Bernstein, Dorothy | TU | 1981 | June | Humane Letters |
Bernstein, Richard | UMES | 1989 | May | Laws |
Bernstein, Richard | SU | 1986 | | Laws |
Berry, Mary Frances | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1979 | May | Laws |
Bevan, William | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1981 | May | Science |
Biya, Paul | UMES | 1991 | May | Laws |
Blake, Eubie | UMCP | 1978 | December | Fine Arts |
Blake, Eubie | TU | 1982 | June | Humane Letters |
Blanchard-Freeman, Yvonne | BSU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Block, Herbert L. | UMCP | 1977 | | Humane Letters |
Bluford Jr., Guion S. | BSU | 1984 | | Humane Letters |
Blunt, Roger R. | UMES | 2002 | May | Public Service |
Bode, Carl | UB | 1987 | | Humane Letters |
Bode, Carl | SU | 1987 | May | Humane Letters |
Bonifacio Cenzon, Maria Teresa | UMGC | 2015 | May | Public Service |
Boorstein, Daniel Joseph | UMCP | 1980 | December | Letters |
Boozer, C., Sr. James | UMGC | 2015 | April | Public Service |
Boston, Charles A. | UMCP | 1931 | | Laws |
Bosworth, Stephen W. | UMGC (Seoul) | 1998 | May | Laws |
Botstein, Leon | SU | 1988 | December | Humane Letters |
Bowen, Howard R. | TU | 1981 | June | Humane Letters |
Bowen, Otis R. | UMB | 1987 | May | Science |
Bowers, John Zimmerman | UMCP | 1959 | | Science |
Boyd, Norma Elizabeth | BSU | 1978 | | Laws |
Boyer, Ernest L. | SU | 1991 | December | Humane Letters |
Boyer, Ernest L. | UMBC | 1980 | June | Public Service |
Boyer, Ernest L. | UMCP | 1978 | December | Humane Letters |
Brademas, John | UMBC | 1978 | June | Laws |
Braithwaite, Edward Ricardo | UMES | 2010 | September | Humane Letters |
Bramble Sr., Frank | TU | 2012 | January | Humane Letters |
Branch, Taylor | UMBC | 1990 | | Humane Letters |
Branch, Taylor | UB | 2014 | January | Humane Letters |
Branch, Taylor | TU | 2011 | May | Humane Letters |
Brandt, Willy | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1960 | May | Laws |
Breitenfeld Jr., Frederick | SU | 1982 | | Humane Letters |
Brietenfeld Jr., Frederick | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1976 | May | Humane Letters |
Brimmer, Andrew F. | UMCP | 1976 | | Laws |
Brinkley, David | UMB | 1976 | June | Humane Letters |
Bromery, Randolph W. | FSU | 1972 | May | Science |
Bronk, Detluv Wulf | UMCP | 1962 | | Science |
Broome, Edwin Warfield | UMCP | 1945 | | Letters |
Brotman, Phyllis B. | TU | 2007 | May | Humane Letters |
Brower, David R. | UMCP | 1973 | December | Humane Letters |
Brown, Herbert B. | UMES | 1980 | May | Laws |
Brown, Donald D. | UMBC | 1983 | June | Science |
Brown, Carter J. | UMCP | 1990 | May | Letters |
Brown, Jeannette L. | UMES | 2010 | December | Public Service |
Brown, Lester R. | BSU | 2000 | May | Public Service |
Brown, Lester R. | UMCP | 1976 | | Laws |
Brown, Robert Brooks | UMGC | 2015 | May | Public Service |
Brown, Ronald | BSU | 1995 | October | Laws |
Brown, Samuel Ray | SU | 2005 | | Public Service |
Brown, Sterling A. | UMBC | 1981 | June | Humanities |
Brown, Warren | UMGC | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Brownlee, Paula | TU | 1997 | May | Humane Letters |
Bruce, David K.E. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1958 | | Laws |
Bruce, Howard | UMCP | 1941 | | Science |
Brune, Frederick W. | UMCP | 1965 | | Laws |
Brungardt, Gilbert | TU | 1992 | January | Humane Letters |
Bryant, Wilbur | UMES | 2006 | May | Education |
Bulger, Roger J. | UMB | 1996 | May | Public Service |
Bunting, John James | UMCP | 1933 | | Divinity |
Burch, Francis B. | UB | 1976 | | Laws |
Burch, Stephen | TU | 2005 | May | Humane Letters |
Burch, Stephen | UMGC (Adelphi) | 2005 | | Public Service |
Burkhart, Harvey J. | UMCP | 1940 | | Science |
Burki, Wajid Ali | UMB | 1963 | October | Laws |
Burns, Arthur R. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1984 | May | Laws |
Byron, Beverly B. | FSU | 1982 | May | Laws |
Camphor, James | CSU | 2018 | May | Humane Letters |
Cantor, Nancy | UMBC | 2013 | May | Science |
Carson Sr., Benjamin S. MD | UMGC | 2004 | May | Public Service |
Carter, Rilous | UMES | 2009 | December | Public Service |
Cavanagh, Helen | TU | 1972 | | Humane Letters |
Cavoli, Christopher G | UMGC | 2021 | May | Public Service |
Chait, Richard P. | TU | 2000 | January | Humane Letters |
Chang, Sae Joo | TU | 2006 | May | Humane Letters |
Cheek, James Edward | UMES | 1975 | May | Humanities |
Chipman, Charles H. | SU | 1974 | | Laws |
Church, Martha | TU | 1983 | May | Humane Letters |
Clark, Celeste A. | UMES | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Clark, Richard M. | UMGC | 2018 | April | Public Service |
Clements, James P. | UMBC | 2016 | May | Education |
Clemons, Clarence | UMES | 2010 | May | Humane Letters |
Clifton, Lucille | TU | 1980 | June | Humane Letters |
Cohen, Jordan J. | UMB | 2006 | May | Sciences |
Cohen, Michael | UMB | 2005 | May | Public Service - Pharmacy |
Cohen, William S. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2002 | May | Public Service |
Collins, Francis S. | UMB | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Comissiona, Sergiu | TU | 1980 | June | Humane Letters |
Compton, Lillian | FSU | 1973 | May | Humane Letters |
Condon, Thomas | UB | 2008 | December | Humane Letters |
Condon, Tom | UB | 2009 | January | Humane Letters |
Conn, Eric | UMES | 2006 | December | Public Service |
Corddry, Charles W. | SU | 1981 | | Laws |
Cottman, Kermit A. | UMES | 1990 | May | Laws |
Cox, Joseph | TU | 1990 | May | Humane Letters |
| UMB | 2015 | May | Science |
Cruz, Benjamin J.F. | UMGC | 2017 | April | Public Service |
Cryor, Michael E. | UMB | 2014 | May | Public Service |
Cummings, Elijah | UMCP | 2017 | December | Public Service |
Curris, Constantine W. | TU | 2001 | May | Humane Letters |
Curtis, Mark | TU | 1985 | May | Humane Letters |
D'Souza, Victoria M | UMBC | 2021 | May | Science |
Dalai Lama 14th, Tenzin Gyatso His Holiness | UMCP | 2013 | May | Humane Letters |
Daly, Tyne | UMES | 2011 | March | Humane Letters |
Dashiell, Marie Amelia | UMES | 1995 | September | Education |
Davis Jr., Billy | UMES | 2012 | March | Humane Letters |
Daxner, Michael | TU | 1990 | January | Humane Letters |
DeKlerk, F. W. | SU | 2007 | April | Laws |
Delaney, Harold | TU | 1987 | January | Humane Letters |
Delaney, Harold | FSU | 1991 | December | Humane Letters |
Deutsch, Robert W. | TU | 1998 | December | Humane Letters |
Devilbliss, Wilbur D. | SU | 1975 | September | Laws |
Devito, Mathias J. | SU | 1984 | | Humane Letters |
Dickey, Bill | UMES | 2007 | September | Humane Letters |
Dolgushin, Nikita | TU | 1991 | January | Humane Letters |
Dorsey, Rhoda M. | TU | 1987 | May | Humane Letters |
Dortch Jr., Thomas Wesley | UMES | 2010 | December | Public Service |
Douglas, Herb | BSU | 2019 | December | Humane Letters |
Dowdy, Homer Earl | UMES | 1981 | May | Public Service |
Duke Patty, Anna Marie | UMES | 2010 | March | Humane Letters |
Dulany, Ralph O. | SU | 1974 | | Laws |
DuPois, Starletta Earla Maria | UMES | 2022 | May | Humane Letters |
Dutton, Charles | TU | 1991 | May | Humane Letters |
Duvall, Robert S. | TU | 1985 | May | Humane Letters |
Dyson, Royden Patrick | UMES | 1988 | May | Public Service |
Edelman, Marian Wright | UMES | 2006 | May | Public Service |
Edmonson II, Robert L. | FSU | 2022 | May | Science |
Edwards, George C. | FSU | 2024 | May | Public Service |
Ellis, Mary Elizabeth | SU | 1984 | | Humane Letters |
Elmore, Irene E. | UMES | 2005 | May | Public Service |
Erickson, John | TU | 1998 | January | Humane Letters |
Erkeneff, Richard P. | TU | 1996 | December | Humane Letters |
Estep, Roger | UMES | 2007 | December | Public Service |
Faison Jr., Eugene M. | UMES | 2007 | May | Public Service |
Ferguson Jr., Roger W. | UMBC | 2013 | May | Public Service |
Finca, Bongani | UMES | 2006 | May | Public Service |
Fischer, John | TU | 1973 | | Humane Letters |
Fisher, James L. | TU | 1979 | June | Humane Letters |
Fitzgerald, Ella Jane | UMES | 1980 | May | Music |
Fleisher, Leon | TU | 1981 | June | Humane Letters |
Foden, Giles | UMGC | 2017 | April | Public Service |
Foege, William H. | UMBC | 2005 | May | Science |
Forni, Pier Massimo | TU | 2013 | May | Humane Letters |
Foster, Richard M. | UMES | 2002 | May | Humane Letters |
Foster III, Charles W. | UMES | 1988 | December | Humane Letters |
Frampton, Jerome | SU | 1976 | May | Laws |
Frazier, Omega Moore Jones | UMES | 1994 | September | Public Service |
Freeman, Yvonee Blanchard | UMES | 1995 | May | Laws |
French, Howard | UMGC (Tokyo) | 2005 | April | Letters |
Fuentes, Carlos | SU | 1984 | October | Humane Letters |
Fulton, Charles R. | SU | 1998 | May | Humane Letters |
Gaddy, Bea | TU | 1994 | January | Humane Letters |
Garcia, Gregory T. | FSU | 2024 | May | Arts |
Garten, Herb | UB | 2011 | May | Laws |
Gill, Michael R. | TU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Gilliam, Sam | BSU | 2010 | | Fine Arts |
Gilpin Faust, Drew | UMBC | 2016 | May | Public Service |
Giovanni, Nikki | UMES | 1974 | May | Literature |
Glendening, Parris N. (Honorable) | TU | 1999 | May | Humane Letters |
Glendening, Parris N. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2000 | May | Public Service |
Glover, John | TU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Goldstein, Louis L. | TU | 1985 | January | Humane Letters |
Goodall, Jane | SU | 1996 | April | Humane Letters |
Gooden, Linda | UMGC (Adelphi) | 2005 | | Public Service |
Gordy Jr., Clifton J | UMES | 1990 | May | Laws |
Gore, Albert Jr. | UMCP | 2018 | May | Public Service |
Gossett Jr., Louis | UMES | 2010 | March | Humane Letters |
Grasmick, Nancy K. | TU | 1992 | May | Humane Letters |
Gray III, William H | UMES | 1985 | May | Laws |
Greg, Robert J. | UB | 2005 | May | Law |
Grier, David Alan | UMES | 2011 | March | Humane Letters |
Grier, Pam | UMES | 2011 | March | Humane Letters |
Guanhua, Xu | UMCP | 2009 | May | Public Service |
Guild, Nelson P. | SU | 1987 | May | Humane Letters |
Hackerman, Willard | UMB | 2005 | May | Public Service - Medicine |
Hackerman, Williard | TU | 2009 | December | Humane Letters |
Hale Sr., Edwin F. | TU | 2007 | May | Humane Letters |
Hall, Avery William | SU | 1974 | | Laws |
Hall, Randy | CSU | 2015 | May | Humane Letters |
Hammonds, Bruce L. | UB | 2005 | May | Humane Letters |
Hart Jr., James Coy | UMES | 1982 | May | Laws |
Hartigan, Grace | SU | 1984 | | Fine Arts |
Hartigan, Grace | TU | 1983 | May | Humane Letters |
Harvey, William R. | SU | 1983 | | Humane Letters |
Hathaway, Roger | UMES | 2006 | December | Public Service |
Hayward, Garland R | UMES | 2021 | December | Public Service |
Hazel, Richard F. | UMES | 2005 | December | Public Service |
Healy, Timothy | TU | 1986 | January | Humane Letters |
Hecht, Anthony | TU | 1983 | January | Humane Letters |
Hedren, Nathalie Kay Tippie | UMES | 2012 | March | Public Service |
Hee, Chi Eun | UMGC | 2015 | April | Public Service |
Henderson, Donald | TU | 1994 | May | Humane Letters |
Henson, Richard A. | SU | 1988 | December | Humane Letters |
Henson, Richard A | UMES | 1986 | September | Public Service |
Hess, Lewis M. | SU | 1977 | | Humane Letters |
Hicks, Solomon W. | UMES | 2005 | December | Public Service |
Hill, Christopher | UMGC (Seoul) | 2005 | May | Public Service |
Hill, Davies Martha | TU | 1981 | January | Humane Letters |
Hill, Stephanie C. | UMBC | 2017 | May | Public Service |
Himelfarb, Richard J. | UMB | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Hobbins, William T. (General) | UMGC | 2011 | May | Public Service |
Hoffman, Barbara | TU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Hooks, Kevin | BSU | 2000 | | Humane Letters |
Hooks, Robert | BSU | 2000 | | Humane Letters |
Horne, Eleanor | UMES | 2006 | December | Public Service |
Horton, Thomas W. | SU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Houghton Jr., Arthur Armory | SU | 1976 | | Laws |
Hughes, Catherine Liggins | BSU | 2010 | May | Humane Letters |
Hutchinson, Donald P. | TU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Hutchinson Jr., Don P. | FSU | 2023 | December | Humane Letters |
Hyde, Charles K | UMGC | 2021 | April | Public Service |
Hytche, William P | UMES | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
Ikenberry, Stanley | TU | 1996 | December | Humane Letters |
Isler, Roderick J. | UMGC | 2014 | May | Public Service |
Jacobsen, Josephine | TU | 1983 | January | Humane Letters |
Jamison, Judith | TU | 2012 | January | Humane Letters |
Jochum, George | TU | 1998 | January | Humane Letters |
Johnson, Gerald W. | TU | 1978 | | Humane Letters |
Johnson, Loretta | CSU | 2006 | Spring | Education |
Johnson, Paula | UMBC | 2018 | May | Science |
Johnstone, Bruce | TU | 1995 | May | Humane Letters |
Jones, Jodie L. | UMES | 2008 | December | Sciences |
Jones, Shirley B. | SU | 1991 | May | Laws |
Jones, Walter I | UMES | 1999 | May | Humane Letters |
Joseph, James A | UMES | 1983 | May | Public Service |
Joyner, Tom | UMES | 2003 | December | Humane Letters |
Junker, Detlef Dr. | UMGC | 2005 | May | Public Service |
Junker, Herr Dr. | UMGC (European Division) | 2005 | | Letters |
Karsh, Yousuf | SU | 1998 | September | Fine Arts |
Kaunda, Kenneth David | UMES | 1987 | October | Laws |
Kawashima, Yutaka | UMGC | 2017 | April | Public Service |
Keating, Susan C. | TU | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Kim, Sung Y. | UMGC | 2014 | April | Public Service |
Kim, Young Sam | TU | 1974 | | Doctor of Humane Letters |
King, Jordan I. | TU | 1989 | May | Humane Letters |
King, Riley B.B. | UMES | 2010 | March | Humane Letters |
King, Larry | UMES | 2012 | March | Humane Letters |
King Jr., John B | UMES | 2021 | May | Public Service |
Kolbe, Lloyd J. | TU | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Kopp, Nancy K. | TU | 2001 | May | Humane Letters |
Krieger, Robert L | UMES | 1978 | May | Engineering |
Krongard, A. B. | TU | 1998 | May | Humane Letters |
Land, John W | UMES | 2005 | May | Public Service |
| UMB | 2015 | May | Science |
Lankford, Fred C. | UMES | 2006 | December | Public Service |
Larson, Charles R. | TU | 1999 | May | Humane Letters |
Laughlin, Robert | UMGC (Seoul) | 2005 | May | Letters |
Layfield, Nock Mary | SU | 1977 | | Laws |
Layfield, Virginia B | UMES | 2000 | May | Public Service |
Lee, Myung-bak | UMGC | 2006 | May | Public Service |
Lerner, Monroe | TU | 1985 | January | Humane Letters |
Lewis, John R | UMES | 2014 | May | Humane Letters |
Lewis-Hall, Freda C. | CSU | 2010 | May | |
Little, Morris (Mike) A. | BSU | 2003 | | Public Service |
Littlewood, William | UMCP | 1959 | | Engineering |
Locher, Charles Hunter | UMCP | 1938 | | Engineering |
Loe, Harold (D.D.S.) | UMB | 1986 | May | Science |
Lombardo, Tony S. | UMGC | 2018 | April | Public Service |
Lovejoy, Arthur Oncken | UMCP | 1957 | | Letters |
Lowe, Thomas Hunter | TU | 1984 | January | Humane Letters |
Lowndes, Tasker Gantt | UMCP | 1945 | | Humanities |
Lucas, Payne C. | UMES | 1975 | | Laws |
Lucier, Francis P. | UB | 1979 | | Humane Letters |
Lucy, William | BSU | 1980 | | Humane Letters |
MacArthur, Douglas | UMCP | 1928 | | Laws |
MacArthur II., Douglas | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1959 | March | Laws |
Macht, David I. | UMCP | 1924 | | Pharmacy |
Mack, Maynard | TU | 1971 | June | Humane Letters |
Maddox, Yvonne T. | UMES | 2004 | May | Humane Letters |
Maeda, Tamon | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1962 | | Laws |
Magaziner, Ira C. | UMBC | 1997 | September | Public Administration |
Magleby, Alfred R | UMGC | 2014 | April | Public Service |
Magruder, Carter B. | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1961 | March | Military Science |
Maguire, James J. | BSU | 2024 | May | Humane Letters |
Malcolm, Wilbur George | UMCP | 1958 | | Laws |
Mandel, Marvin | UMCP | 1969 | | Laws |
Mandel, Marvin | TU | 1969 | June | Humane Letters |
Mandela, Nelson | UMCP | 2001 | November | Public Service |
Mansberger Jr., Arlie R. | UMB | 1978 | | Science |
Mansfield, Mike | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1986 | March | Laws |
Maril, Herman | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1985 | | Fine Arts |
Marker, Russell E. | UMCP | 1987 | December | Science |
Marshall, Ray F. | UMCP | 1980 | December | Laws |
Martin, Glenn L. | UMCP | 1939 | | Engineering |
Martin, Gregory S. (General) | UMGC (European Division) | 2002 | May | Public Service |
Martin, Lynn | UMCP | 1992 | May | Public Service |
Martin, Roland S. | UMGC | 2010 | May | Public Service |
Martinez, Tucker Sara (Honorable) | UMGC | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Massie, Samuel Proctor | BSU | 1990 | | Humane Letters |
Massie, Samuel Proctor | UMES | 1985 | October | Public Service |
Mather, John C. Dr. | UMCP | 2008 | December | Science |
Mathias, Charles Mac | FSU | 1975 | May | Laws |
Mathias, Charles Mac | UMB | 1981 | May | Public Service |
Mathias, Charles Mac | UMBC | 1987 | June | Public Service |
Mathias, Charles Mac | TU | 1988 | January | Humane Letters |
Matthews, Brian | TU | 1991 | May | Humane Letters |
Mayfield, Banks Gloria | UMES | 2011 | May | Public Service |
McCabe, Thomas B. | SU | 1979 | | Humane Letters |
McCoo, Marilyn | UMES | 2012 | March | Humane Letters |
McCormack, Mike | SU | 1981 | | Laws |
| UMB | 2015 | May | Public Service |
McDonald, John W. | SU | 1993 | May | Humane Letters |
McHale, Judith A. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2003 | May | Public Service |
McKenzie, Floretta D. | SU | 1988 | May | Humane Letters |
McKissack, Deryl | UMGC | 2007 | May | Public Service |
McLain, Joseph Howard | SU | 1981 | | Sciences |
Mears, Mary Ann | UMBC | 2005 | May | Fine Arts |
Meltzer, Neil M. | UMES | 2009 | May | Public Service |
Merkerson, S Epatha | UMES | 2012 | March | Humane Letters |
Miller Jr., Thomas V | UMCP | 2019 | December | Public Service |
Mineta, Norman Y. The Hon. | TU | 2005 | May | Humane Letters |
Mitchell, Andrea | UMBC | 2015 | May | Public Service |
Mitchell, Ted | UMBC | 2018 | May | Public Service |
Mitchell, Freddy | UMES | 2014 | May | Public Service |
Modell, Arthur B. | TU | 1998 | May | Humane Letters |
Moll, John | SU | 1976 | May | Letters |
Moore, Marshall W. | SU | 1988 | May | Humane Letters |
Morgan, William E. | SU | 1978 | | Laws |
Morley, Felix M. | TU | 1979 | June | Humane Letters |
Mortimer, Kenneth P. | SU | 1985 | | Humane Letters |
Moskos, Charles | TU | 2002 | January | Humane Letters |
Moss, Kenneth E. | UMGC | 2018 | April | Public Service |
Moss, Alonzo Paul | UMES | 1989 | May | Laws |
Murphy, John H. | TU | 1984 | May | Humane Letters |
Myerhoff, Joseph | TU | 1980 | June | Humane Letters |
Myers Sr., Samuel Lloyd | UMES | 1983 | May | Laws |
Nabb, Edward H. | SU | 1999 | May | Humane Letters |
Naleppa, Margaret | UMES | 2014 | May | Public Service |
Nathan-Pulliam, Shirley | CSU | 2021 | May | Humane Letters |
Nelson, George D. | TU | 2001 | January | Humane Letters |
Nevins, David H. | TU | 2010 | May | Humane Letters |
Newberry, Alan | UMES | 2009 | December | Sciences |
Niparko, John Kim | TU | 2001 | January | Humane Letters |
O'Conor, James | TU | 1996 | May | Humane Letters |
O'Shea, Erin K. | UMBC | 2018 | May | Science |
Obama, Michelle | BSU | 2013 | May | Laws |
Oliveros, Pauline | UMBC | 1986 | June | Music |
Orem, Nicholas | UMCP | 1945 | | Letters |
Orkand, Donald S. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 2000 | May | Laws |
Ostar, Allan W. | UB | 1989 | | Laws |
Ostar, Allan W. | TU | 1980 | January | Humane Letters |
Otte, Ruth L. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1993 | | Humane Letters |
Owens, William | TU | 2012 | May | Humane Letters |
Paige Jr., Emmett | UMBC | 1992 | May | Law |
Park, Chan-Mo | UMGC (Seoul) | 2001 | May | Letters |
Parkinson, Cyril Northcote | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1974 | May | Laws |
Parks, Gordan | TU | 2001 | May | Humane Letters |
Parks, Herb | SU | 2007 | May | Public Service |
Parran Jr., Thomas | UMCP | 1940 | | Science |
Parsons, Bob | UB | 2011 | May | Humane Letters |
Paterson, Katherine Womeldorf | UMCP | 1982 | May | Letters |
Paul, Les | TU | 2004 | June | Humane Letters |
Payton, Benjamin F. | UMES | 1987 | May | Literature |
Pealer, Woodward D. | FSU | 2009 | May | Humane Letters |
Peck, Charles E. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1995 | June | Public Service |
Pelosi, Nancy | UB | 2013 | May | Laws |
Peltason, J.W. | UMCP | 1979 | April | Laws |
Penner, Rudolph | UMBC | 1986 | June | Public Service |
Perdue, Franklin Parsons | SU | 1982 | May | Business Administration |
Perdue, Mitzi | SU | 2008 | May | Public Service |
Perdue, Mitzi | UMES | 2005 | December | Public Service |
Perez, Thomas E. | UB | 2014 | May | Laws |
Perkins, Edward E. | BSU | 1993 | | Humane Letters |
Perkins, Edward J. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1990 | May | Laws |
Perlman, Philip B. | UMCP | 1948 | | Laws |
Perry, Cynthia Shepard | CSU | 1991 | May | Laws |
Perry, Cynthia Shepard | UMES | 1984 | May | Laws |
Perry, Walter | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1978 | May | Humane Letters |
Perry, William J. | UMGC (Asian Division) | 1997 | June | Science |
Peterson, Russell | SU | 1988 | May | Laws |
Petzrick, Paul A. | FSU | 2023 | May | Science |
Pfeiffer, Jane Cahill | UMCP | 1979 | | Humane Letters |
Phifer, Mable P. | BSU | 1981 | | Humane Letters |
Phillips, Brice Reginald | UMES | 1996 | September | Hospitality |
Phillips, Shirley Elizabeth | UMES | 1996 | September | Hospitality |
Piene, Otto Ludwig | UMBC | 1995 | June | Fine Arts |
Pinderhughes, Alice Gwathney | UMBC | 1985 | June | Public Service |
Pinderhughes, Alice Gwathney | UMES | 1984 | May | Laws |
Plante, Patricia R. | TU | 1988 | May | Humane Letters |
Plaza, Galo | UMCP | 1946 | | Laws |
Poehl, Karl Otto | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1987 | May | Laws |
Polk, James Hilliard | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1969 | June | Military Science |
Pollock, Gale Major General | UMB | 2005 | May | Public Service - Nursing |
Pollock, Gale S. Major General | UMB | 2005 | May | Public Service |
Ponder, Henry | UMES | 1989 | May | Laws |
Ponselle, Rosa | UMCP | 1980 | May | Arts |
Porter, Katherine Anne | UMCP | 1966 | | Humane Letters |
Powell, Colin | BSU | 1996 | May | Laws |
Powell, Renee | UMES | 2010 | December | Public Service |
Powell, Stephen L. | UMES | 2009 | May | Sciences |
Pownall, Thomas G. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1985 | May | Laws |
Press, Frank | UMCP | 1980 | May | Science |
Proctor, Samuel D. | UMES | 1976 | | Laws |
Pullen Jr., Thomas Granville | UB | 1974 | | Letters |
Pullen Jr., Thomas Granville | UMCP | 1950 | | Humane Letters |
Quarles, Benjamin A. | UMCP | 1971 | | Humanities |
Quarles, Benjamin A. | BSU | 1983 | | Humanities |
Quarles, Benjamin A. | TU | 1969 | June | Humane Letters |
Quarles, Benjamin A. | UMBC | 1988 | June | Letters |
Quarles, Benjamin Arthur | SU | 1975 | April | Letters |
Rabinow, Jacob | TU | 1983 | May | Humane Letters |
Radcliffe, George L. | UMCP | 1943 | | Laws |
Raines, Franklin | UMCP | 2003 | May | Public Service |
Ralston, Joseph W. (General) | UMGC | 2001 | May | Public Service |
Ramsbotham, Peter | UMCP | 1976 | | Laws |
Ramsey, Norman | UB | 1988 | | Laws |
Randall, Lilian | TU | 1993 | January | Humane Letters |
Randolph, Carol | BSU | 1985 | | Humane Letters |
Rankin, Fred Wharton | UMCP | 1939 | | Science |
Rapoport, Richard J. (MD) | UMB | 2009 | May | Public Service |
Rascovar, Barry C. | TU | 2001 | May | Humane Letters |
Raspberry, William J. | UMCP | 1984 | May | Letters |
Ratliff, Michael P. | TU | 1997 | May | Humane Letters |
Rawlings, Howard Pete (Delegate) | UMBC | 2001 | May | Public Service |
Rawlings, Howard Pete (Delegate) | UMB | 2000 | May | Public Service |
Rawlings, Howard Pete (Delegate) | TU | 2000 | January | Humane Letters |
Rawlings, Howard Pete (Delegate) | UMES | 1999 | December | Humane Letters |
Rawlings-Blake, Stephanie (Honorable) | UMGC | 2013 | May | Public Service |
Ray, Dixie Lee | UMB | 1975 | | Laws |
Ray, Gordon Norton | UMCP | 1982 | December | Letters |
Rayburn, Sam | UMCP | 1945 | | Laws |
Reckord, Milton A. | UMCP | 1944 | | Laws |
Redman, Charles E. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1996 | May | Laws |
Reed, Charles | TU | 2009 | May | Humane Letters |
Reed, Ola Belle | UMBC | 1978 | | Humane Letters |
Reich, Robert B. | UMCP | 1995 | December | Public Service |
Reid Sr., Herbert O. Esq. | BSU | 1992 | | Humane Letters |
Reid-Wallace, Carolyn | UMES | 1992 | May | Laws |
Reischauer, Edwin Oldfather | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1962 | | Laws |
Rembold, Gerhard | UMGC (Schwabisch-Gmund) | 2001 | May | Public Service |
Reston, James Barrett | UMCP | 1968 | | Letters |
Richardson, Anna Euretta | UMCP | 1930 | | Science |
Richardson, Earl S. | UMES | 1994 | May | Laws |
Richardson, James B. | SU | 1978 | | Humane Letters |
Richardson, William C. | UMBC | 1994 | May | Humane Letters |
Richie, Donald | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1999 | April | Humane Letters |
Ricketts, Forrest Eugene | UMCP | 1942 | | Engineering |
Riddick Jr., Major F. | CSU | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Ridgway, Matthew B. | UMGC (Paris) | 1952 | | Military Science |
Ridley, Larry | UMES | 2005 | May | Performing Arts |
Ripken Jr., Cal | UMCP | 2013 | | Public Service |
Ripley, Dillon S. | UMCP | 1970 | | Science |
Rivlin, Alice Mitchell | UMCP | 1982 | December | Public Administration |
Rivlin, Alice Mitchell | UMBC | 1975 | | Laws |
Roach, Max | UMBC | 1989 | June | Music |
Robbins, Chandler S. | UMCP | 1995 | December | Science |
Robbins, Warren | FSU | 1996 | December | Humane Letters |
Roberts, William R. | UMES | 2003 | May | Humane Letters |
Roberts, William R. | UMGC | 2006 | May | Public Service |
Robinson, Bishop | UB | 1986 | | Laws |
Robinson, Ella Pippin | UMCP | 1945 | | Humanities |
Robinson, Ben J. | UMB | 1976 | | Science |
Robinson, Jack Roosevelt | UMES | 1968 | June | Humane Letters |
Rogers, Lore Alford | UMCP | 1923 | | Science |
Rogers, Paul C. | UMB | 1972 | | Laws |
Rogers, Richard | UMCP | 1962 | | Music |
Rohling , Andrew | UMGC | 2021 | May | Public Service |
Rommel, Mandred | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1992 | May | Laws |
Roos, John V. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2011 | May | Public Service |
Rosen Wartell , Sarah | UMBC | 2021 | May | Public Service |
Rosenberg Jr., Henry A. | UB | 1983 | | Laws |
Rosenblatt, Roger | UMBC | 1984 | June | Humane Letters |
Rosenblum, Walter | UMBC | 1986 | June | Fine Arts |
Rossi, Alice | TU | 1973 | June | Humane Letters |
Rostropovich, Mstislav | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1980 | January | Music |
Roth, Ralph O. | FSU | 1980 | May | Science |
Rowan, Carl | UMCP | 1995 | May | Letters |
Roynbee, Arnold J. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1964 | May | Letters |
Rudd, Wortley Fuller | UMCP | 1941 | | Science |
Rukert, Norman G. | UB | 1980 | | Humane Letters |
Ruppersberger, C.A. Dutch | UB | 1999 | May | Laws |
Russell, John | UMCP | 1927 | | Science |
Russell Jr., George L. | CSU | 1987 | May | Laws |
Russert, Timothy | UMB | 2004 | May | Public Service |
Saba, Virginia K. | UMB | 2008 | May | Sciences |
Sabatini, Nelson John | UMBC | 1994 | | Public Service |
Sabin, Albert S. | UMBC | 1977 | | Science |
Sachs, Stephen H. | UB | 1982 | | Laws |
Sadat, Jehan | UMCP | 1994 | May | Public Service |
Sakakibara, Eisuke | UMGC (Tokyo) | 2000 | May | Laws |
Sanford, Terry | UMCP | 1984 | | Laws |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | UMCP | 1981 | May | Laws |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | TU | 1993 | May | Humane Letters |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | UB | 1987 | | Laws |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | FSU | 1985 | December | Laws |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | UMB | 1984 | May | Public Service |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | UB | 1975 | | Laws |
Sarbanes, Paul Spyros | SU | 2006 | December | Laws |
Satcher., David | UMB | 2000 | May | Science |
Sato, Shozo | TU | 1997 | May | Humane Letters |
Saunders, Stuart T. | UMCP | 1964 | | Laws |
Scaparrotti, Curtis M | UMGC | 2014 | April | Public Service |
Scarborough, Michael J. | SU | 2005 | May | Public Service |
Scarborough, Michael J. | SU | 2004 | December | Public Service |
Schaefer, William Donald | UMBC | 1994 | June | Laws |
Schaefer, William Donald | TU | 1982 | June | Humane Letters |
Schaefer, William Donald | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1979 | May | Public Service |
Schaefer, William Donald | UB | 1976 | | Laws |
Schaefer, William Donald | UMCP | 1981 | December | Laws |
Scheel, Mildred Wirtz | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1980 | May | Science |
Scheel, Walter | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1975 | May | Laws |
Schlenger, Jacques T. | UB | 1999 | January | Humane Letters |
Schmidt, Campbell Mary | UMBC | 2014 | May | Fine Arts |
Schmidt, Fiodor Karlovich | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1992 | May | Science |
Schmoke, Kurt L. | UB | 1985 | | Laws |
Schmoke, Kurt L. | BSU | 1988 | | Humane Letters |
Schmoke, Kurt L. | UMB | 1988 | May | Laws |
Schmoke, Kurt L. | CSU | 1999 | May | Laws |
Schmoke, Patricia | CSU | 2014 | May | Humane Letters |
Schneider, Carol Geary | TU | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Schomette, Donald G. | UB | 1998 | January | Humane Letters |
Schoor, Lisbeth Bamberger | UMBC | 1994 | May | Humane Letters |
Schrock, Alta E. | FSU | 1992 | December | Humane Letters |
Schroeder, Gerhard | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1959 | May | Laws |
Schuerholz, John B. | TU | 2007 | May | Humane Letters |
Schuurman, Marriet | UMGC | 2016 | April | Public Service |
Schwait, Allen L. | UMB | 1989 | May | Public Service |
Schwartz, Thomas A. (General) | UMGC (Asian Division (Korea)) | 2002 | May | Laws |
Scott, Jessie M. | UMB | 1978 | | Science |
Seaborg, Gleen Theodore | UMCP | 1961 | | Science |
Seaton, Frederick Andrew | UMCP | 1960 | | Laws |
Sebald, William Joseph | UMCP | 1949 | | Laws |
Segal, David R. | TU | 1991 | January | Humane Letters |
Seh-Jik, Park | TU | 1989 | January | Humane Letters |
Seidel, Samuel W. | SU | 2001 | May | Humane Letters |
Seidel, Alma | UMES | 2022 | May | Hospitality |
Seidel, Ben | UMES | 2022 | May | Hospitality |
Sellinger, Joseph A. | UB | 1983 | | Laws |
Semmel, Ralph | UMBC | 2017 | May | Science |
Semmes, John Edward | UMCP | 1948 | | Laws |
Sensenbaugh, James A. | UMCP | 1965 | | Laws |
Sensenbaugh, James A. | FSU | 1976 | May | Laws |
Sevareid, Eric | UMCP | 1965 | | Humane Letters |
Shalala, Donna E. | UMBC | 1997 | May | Public Service |
Shalikashvili, John M. | UMGC (European Division) | 1993 | | Laws |
Shannon, James A. | UMCP | 1965 | | Science |
Sharp, Paul F. | TU | 1980 | June | Humane Letters |
Shaw, Kenneth A. | TU | 1977 | June | Humane Letters |
Sheads, Scott S. | UB | 1997 | January | Humane Letters |
Sheehan, John M. | UMBC | 1982 | June | Public Service |
Sheehan, Lawrence Cardinal | UB | 1981 | | Laws |
Sheen, Fulton John | UMCP | 1942 | | Letters |
Sheets, Earl Woodell | UMCP | 1933 | | Agriculture |
Sheff, Alexander L. | UMCP | 1952 | | Commercial Science |
Shell, Arthur Lee | UMES | 2007 | September | Humane Letters |
Sheppard, Adkins Bertha | SU | 1975 | | Laws |
Sherwood, Arthur Wellington | UB | 1992 | | Laws |
Shine, Kenneth I. | UMB | 1997 | May | Science |
Sho, Hiroko | UMGC (Asian Division) | 1997 | June | Humane Letters |
Shonkoff, Jack P. | UMB | 2014 | May | Public Service |
Shostakovich, Maxim | UMBC | 1982 | June | Fine Arts |
Shouse, Catherine Felene | UMCP | 1979 | | Fine Arts |
Shriver, Eunice Kennedy | UMBC | 1999 | May | Public Service |
Shriver, Sargent | UMBC | 1999 | May | Public Service |
Shub, Vivienne | TU | 2012 | May | Humane Letters |
Simmons, William F. | UB | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Simms, Stuart O. | UB | 1991 | | Laws |
Simpson, Carole | UMBC | 1994 | June | Humane Letters |
Simpson, Valerie | BSU | 2013 | May | Humane Letters |
Singer, Maxine Frank | UMBC | 1985 | June | Science |
Sisca, Thomas S | UMES | 2018 | May | |
Sisulu, Sheila Violet Maka | UMGC (Adelphi) | 2001 | May | Public Service |
Skinner, B. F. | UMBC | 1973 | June | Humane Letters |
Slatkin, Leonard | UMCP | 2003 | May | Humane Letters |
Slaughter, John Brooks | BSU | 1987 | | Human Letters |
Slaughter, John Brooks | UMCP | 1982 | May | Science |
Slavkin, Harold C. | UMB | 1997 | May | Science |
Smadel, Joseph Edwin | UMB | 1963 | | Science |
Smith, Clarice R. | UMCP | 2015 | May | Humane Letters |
Smith, DeMaurice | UMCP | 2011 | May | Letters |
Smith, Howard K. | UMBC | 1970 | | Humane Letters |
Smith, Howard K. | UMCP | 1973 | May | Laws |
Smith, James B. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2010 | May | Public Service |
Smith, Joshua Isaac | BSU | 1987 | | Humane Letters |
Smith, Molly | TU | 2003 | May | Humane Letters |
Smith, Walter D. | SU | 1975 | September | Laws |
Smith, Bennie E | UMES | 2005 | May | Public Service |
Snodgrass, Robert Evans | UMCP | 1960 | | Science |
Snowden Jr., Frank Martin | UMCP | 1993 | May | Humane Letters |
Sobchak, Anatoly A. | TU | 1994 | May | Humane Letters |
Sobeloff, Simon E. | UMCP | 1954 | | Laws |
Soistman Jr., Francis S. | TU | 2015 | December | Humane Letters |
Sommer, Theo | UMGC (European Division) | 1982 | May | Laws |
Sondheim, Jr. Walter | UMB | 1979 | | Public Service |
Sondheim, Jr. Walter | TU | 1995 | May | Humane Letters |
Sondheim, Jr. Walter | UMBC | 1988 | June | Public Service |
Soong, James C.Y. | UMCP | 2000 | May | Laws |
Soper, Morris Ames | UMCP | 1958 | | Laws |
Spaak, H.E. Paul-Henri | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1962 | | Laws |
Speer, Talbot Taylor | UB | 1974 | | Laws |
Spilhaus, Athelstan | UMCP | 1978 | December | Science |
Spinak, Abraham D. | UMES | 1996 | September | Science |
| UMCP | 2012 | May | Public Service |
Stahr Jr., Elvis Jacob | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1961 | May | Laws |
Stanley, Ellis M. | UMES | 2009 | May | Public Service |
Stanton, Phoebe | TU | 1986 | May | Humane Letters |
Staten, Roy Neville | UB | 1976 | | Laws |
Steele Jr., Samual Tagart | UMCP | 1927 | | Divinity |
Stenken Jr., William | UMCP | 1955 | | Science |
Stern, Isaac | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1983 | May | Music |
Stiers, David Ogden | UMES | 2012 | May | Humane Letters |
Still, Clifford | UMCP | 1980 | May | Fine Arts |
Stone, Sharon | UMES | 2011 | March | Public Service |
Stone, Vernon W. | UMES | 1984 | May | Letters |
Stout, Juanita Kidd | UMES | 1980 | May | Laws |
Straight, Michael W. | UMCP | 1977 | | Humane Letters |
Strauss, Franz Josef | UMGC (European Division) | 1983 | | Laws |
Strube, Jurgen F. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1995 | | Laws |
Studebaker, John Ward | UMCP | 1945 | | Laws |
Sullivan, Leon H. | BSU | 1981 | | Humane Letters |
Sullivan, Louis W. | UMB | 1992 | May | Science |
Suzuki, Schinichi | UMGC (Asian Division) | 1993 | | Music |
Swain, Robert Lee | UMCP | 1958 | | Science |
Swanson, Neil Harmon | UMCP | 1953 | | Letters |
Sweeney, John J. | UB | 2001 | May | Laws |
Sweeney, Robert F. | UB | 1989 | | Laws |
Sylvester, Charles Wesley | UMCP | 1948 | | Science |
Taborn, Tyrone D. | UMES | 2008 | May | Sciences |
Tan, Chia Chen | UMBC | 1985 | June | Science |
Tanaka, Kotaro | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1960 | March | Laws |
Tardio, Robert F. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1986 | January | Laws |
Tawes, Millard J. | UMCP | 1959 | | Laws |
Tawes, Millard J. | SU | 1974 | | Laws |
Taylor, Carl E. | TU | 1978 | June | Humane Letters |
Taylor, Carol W. | TU | 1978 | | Humane Letters |
Taylor Jr., Casper R. | FSU | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Teller, Edward | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1977 | | Science |
Thomas, W. Dennis | FSU | 2014 | May | Humane Letters |
Thomas, Julius A | UMES | 1955 | May | Social Sciences |
Thompson, John P. | UB | 2001 | January | Laws |
Thurman, James D. (General) | UMGC | 2013 | April | Public Service |
Thursz, Daniel | UMB | 1977 | | Humane Letters |
Tietmeyer, Hans | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1997 | June | Laws |
Tilelli Jr., John H. (General) | UMGC (Asian Division) | 1997 | June | Laws |
Timken Jr., William R. (Honorable) | UMGC | 2006 | May | Public Service |
Todd, Thomas N. | UMES | 2000 | May | Laws |
Toll, John S. | UMES | 1993 | May | Laws |
Toll, John S. | UB | 1988 | | Laws |
Toll, John S. | UMCP | 1973 | | Science |
Tose, Maurice | UMES | 2011 | May | Doctor of Sciences |
Tose, Maurice | UMES | 2011 | May | Sciences |
Townes H., Dr. Charles | UMCP | 2001 | May | Science |
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy | UMB | 2001 | May | Public Service |
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy | TU | 2000 | May | Humane Letters |
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy | CSU | 2000 | May | Laws |
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy | UB | 1999 | May | Laws |
Train, Russell Errol | UMCP | 1975 | | Laws |
Trigg, Frank J. | UMES | 1992 | May | Laws |
Truitt Sr., J. Charles | SU | 1983 | | Humane Letters |
Tunner, William H. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1956 | | Military Science |
Turner, Ted | UB | 2011 | May | Laws |
Turner, Thomas B. | UMCP | 1966 | | Science |
Turrentine, Stanley W. | UMES | 1994 | May | Fine Arts |
Tutu, Desmond M. | UMES | 2005 | May | Humane Letters |
Tutu II, Osei Otumfou His Majesty | UMES | 2001 | May | Education |
Tydings, Joseph D. | UMB | 1986 | May | Laws |
Tydings, Joseph D. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1986 | December | Public Service |
Tydings, Millard Evelyn | UMCP | 1933 | | Laws |
Tyler, Margaret Daniels | UMES | 2003 | May | Humane Letters |
Tyson, Cicely | UMES | 2010 | May | Humane Letters |
Ueberroth, Peter | UMCP | 1987 | May | Public Service |
Unseld, Westley S. | BSU | 1984 | | Humane Letters |
Ushiba, Nobuhiko | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1980 | March | Laws |
Van, Bibber Lena Chew | UMCP | 1945 | | Humanities |
Vandal, Thomas | UMGC | 2017 | April | Public Service |
Varmus, Harold Eliot | UMBC | 1995 | May | Science |
Vatikiotis, Michael | UMGC (Okinawa) | 2005 | June | Letters |
Vega-Marquis, Luz | UMBC | 2015 | May | Public Service |
Vessels, Marian Schooling | TU | 1995 | January | Humane Letters |
Vessey Jr., W. John | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1983 | January | Letters |
Vinoly, Rafael | UMGC (Japan) | 1997 | June | Arts |
Vogel, Ezra F. | UMGC (Asian Division) | 1983 | March | Letters |
von, Klitzing Klaus | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1988 | May | Science |
von, Kres Hans | UMGC (Bonn) | 1951 | | Letters |
Walker, Herschel | UMES | 2010 | March | Humane Letters |
Walker, John T. | UMCP | 1986 | May | Humane Letters |
Walker, Stanton | UMCP | 1964 | | Laws |
Wallace, Joan S. | UMES | 1979 | May | Humanities |
Wallace, Joan S. | BSU | 1981 | | Humane Letters |
Walters, Vernon A. | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1990 | May | Laws |
Wantly, Vernon | UB | 1982 | | Humane Letters |
Ward, Lemuel T. | SU | 1974 | | Humane Letters |
Ward, Robert | TU | 1989 | January | Humane Letters |
Ward, Stephen W. | SU | 1974 | | Humane Letters |
Warren, Earl | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1966 | May | Laws |
Warwick, Dionne | UMES | 2010 | March | Humane Letters |
Washburn, Wilbur E. | SU | 1996 | December | Humane Letters |
Washburn, Wilcomb | SU | 1996 | October | Humane Letters |
Washington, Vivian | UB | 1993 | | Humane Letters |
Watkins, Catherine | UMES | 2010 | May | Humane Letters |
Watson, Barbara M. | UMES | 1973 | May | Laws |
Watts, Robert B. | TU | 1976 | May | Humane Letters |
Webb, John W.T. | UMES | 1992 | May | Laws |
Weigle, Richard D. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1980 | May | Letters |
Welch, Larry D. | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1989 | May | Laws |
Welcome, Verda F. | UMES | 1970 | May | Science |
Wellek, Rene | UMCP | 1964 | | Letters |
Welles, Sumner | UMCP | 1943 | | Laws |
Wenzhong, Zhou His Excellency | UMGC | 2009 | May | Public Service |
Wheeler, John Archibald | UMCP | 1977 | | Science |
Wheeler, Joseph Lewis | UMCP | 1934 | | Letters |
White, Charles McElroy | UMCP | 1949 | | Engineering |
White, Isaac Davis | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1958 | March | Military Science |
White, Robert M. | UMCP | 1983 | May | Science |
Whitten, Benjamin | UB | 1988 | | Humane Letters |
Wiemer, Ruth B. | TU | 1980 | January | Humane Letters |
Wilbur, Ray Lyman | UMCP | 1930 | | Laws |
Wilkins, Roger | UB | 2010 | May | Humane Letters |
Williams, Cicely Delphine | UMB | 1973 | November | Science |
Williams, Darlene F. | UMES | 2009 | May | Public Service |
Williams, Eddie N. | BSU | 1980 | | Humane Letters |
Williams, Edward Bennett | UMB | 1983 | May | Laws |
Williams, John J. | SU | 1979 | | Laws |
Williams, Joseph D. | UMB | 1991 | May | Laws |
Williams, Luther S. | BSU | 1996 | May | Science |
Williams, Percy V. | BSU | 1983 | | Humanities |
Williams Sr., Jesse Teleferro | UMES | 1998 | December | Humane Letters |
Willis, Mary C. Brig. Gen. Ret. | SU | 1995 | | Humane Letters |
Wilson, Donald E. | UMB | 2007 | May | Doctor of Sciences |
Wilson, John A. | UMES | 1986 | May | Public Service |
Wilson, Linda S. | UMCP | 1993 | December | Letters |
Wilson, Logan | UMCP | 1970 | | Humane Letters |
Wilson, Theodore Halbert | UB | 1980 | | Humane Letters |
Wilson, William L. | FSU | 1975 | May | Laws |
Wilson Sr., Edward Nathaniel | UMES | 1955 | May | Social Sciences |
Winslow, Randolf | UMCP | 1924 | | Laws |
Wise, Jr. Henry A. | FSU | 2000 | May | Public Service |
Wofford, Harris | FSU | 2002 | October | Doctor of Humane Letters |
Wolf, Harold H. | UMBC | 1994 | May | Laws |
Woodcock, Janet | UMB | 2013 | May | Science |
Woods, Hiram | UMCP | 1924 | | Laws |
Woodward, Theodore E. | UMB | 1991 | May | Science |
Worrilow, George Melville | UMCP | 1954 | | Agriculture |
Wright, Anne St. Clair | UMCP | 1985 | May | Public Service |
Wright, Anne St. Clair | TU | 1975 | June | Humane Letters |
Wyeth, Andrew | UMCP | 1964 | | Fine Arts |
Yalow, Rosalyn S. | UMBC | 1982 | June | Science |
Yang, Chen Ning | UMCP | 1979 | April | Science |
Yeutter, Clayton | UMES | 1991 | May | Laws |
Ying, Wang Guang | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1986 | May | Laws |
Yonekura, Isao | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1996 | May | Laws |
Yoshida, Shigeru | UMGC (Tokyo) | 1961 | March | Laws |
Young, A. Thomas | SU | 1992 | December | Science |
Young, Andrew | UMES | 1978 | | Laws |
Young, Ruth H. | UMB | 1996 | May | Public Service |
Young Sr., Whitney Moore | UMES | 1965 | May | Social Sciences |
Yup, Paik Sun | UMGC (Korea) | 2003 | May | Public Service |
Zassenhaus, Hiltgunt Margart | UMBC | 1988 | June | Letters |
Zassenhaus, Hiltgunt Margart | TU | 1975 | June | Humane Letters |
Zassenhaus, Hiltgunt Margart | UMGC (Adelphi) | 1984 | May | Humane Letters |
Zemsky, Robert | TU | 1998 | December | Humane Letters |
Zinkand Thomas, Sister Mary | UMB | 1992 | May | Humane Letters |
Zinman, David | TU | 1992 | May | Humane Letters |
zu Freiherr, Putlitz Gisbert | UMGC (Heidelberg) | 1986 | June | Science |
Institution |
Recipient Nasme |
Year Awarded |
Month Awarded |
Degreee Awarded |