General Administration

Policy Name Policy Number
Policy on Non-Discrimination and Equal Opportunity VI-1.00
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Policy of Non-Discrimination on the
Basis of Sexual Orientation
Rescinded; Replaced by VI-1.00
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Policy on Acts of Violence and Extremism Rescinded; Replaced by VI-1.00
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ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Policy on Sexual Harassment Replaced by VI-1.60
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ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Policy on Sexual Assault Replaced by VI-1.60
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Policy on the Implementation and
Monitoring of Recommendations of the Cult Task Force
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Policy on the Reporting of Suspected Child Abuse and Neglect VI-1.50
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ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Policy on Sex Discrimination VI-1.60
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Policy on Recommendations to Change the Name
or Status of an Institution
Policy on Advertising VI-3.00
Policy on the Naming of Buildings and Academic Programs VI-4.00
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Policy on the Use of the Physical Facilities
of the University System for Public Meetings
Guidelines Regarding the Effect of Donor Funding
and Other External Funding on the Prioritization of
State-Funded Capital Projects
Policy on Inspection of Public Records VI-5.00
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Policy on Preservation of Items of Historical Interest VI-5.10
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Policy on Requests for Advice of Counsel and
Official Opinions from the Attorney General
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Policy on Records Management VI-6.10
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Policy on Out-of-State Work for Employees VI-6.20
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Policy on Chaplains VI-7.00
Policy on the Use of Alcoholic Beverages
at University System Institutions and Facilities
Policy On Smoking At ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø Institutions VI-8.10
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Policy on Establishment of Institutional Traffic
Policy on Reporting of Campus Crime Statistics VI-9.10
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Policy on the Filing of Institutional Policy Manuals
with the Chancellor
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University of ϡȱÁÔÆæÍø System Policy on AIDS Rescinded June 21, 2019
Policy on Emergency Conditions:
Cancellation of Classes and Release of Employees
Policy on Campus Emergency Planning, Preparedness, and Response VI-13.00
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